
我们介绍一些策略来帮助你保持在正确的轨道上实现你的学业目标. 我们在这里帮助您开发在DSU大学课程工作中取得成功所需的技能和工具.

FREE tutoring is available for DSU students. 学习技能课程和讲习班提供帮助和加强学术技能,如:时间管理, learning strategies, stress management, and general study skills.



Welcome! 在新的学习环境中取得成功需要仔细的计划, persistence, and time management. 为一个成功的学期制定一个游戏计划可能会让人不知所措. Academic Support Services is here to assist! You have questions. We have answers. 点击下面的链接,了解更多KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载我们的成功秘诀.


Let’s Taco About…

Peer Tutoring 

  • Free help to students
  • Skill development
  • Higher success in college courses

Tutors are available to assist students with mathematics, sciences, computer classes, English, and writing courses. The Academic Support Lab is equipped with:

  • Hawkes College Algebra software programs
  • Microsoft Office 365
  • Printer
  • Supplemental Instructors
  • Smartboards
  • 32 touchscreen computers

Academic Support Lab Tutor Schedule

个别学科领域的具体辅导时间张贴在实验室外的公告栏上, Bailey Hall 2nd Floor, and in the PDF above for your convenience. For more information, contact our office.


What is the ACCUPLACER test?

ACCUPLACER是一项测试,用于确定数学、英语和阅读的熟练程度. 学术顾问和招生顾问使用测试结果, along with transcripts, goals, and interests, to determine college course selection and placement. 学生在ACCUPLACER上的表现是与其他学生对大学教学的学术准备的评估一起进行评估的.

Who takes the test?

Students may need to take the ACCUPLACER test if they:

  •   are a high school senior applying for fall term
  •   大学预备课程的平均成绩低于要求水平
  •   你的ACT综合成绩没有达到要求的水平

为了积极主动地保护我们的大学社区, 面对面的ACCUPLACER测试将暂停,直至另行通知. 计划在2021年秋季入学的学生可以使用Examity在线监考服务参加ACCUPLACER考试. The fee to test using Examity is $25.


Office of Admissions
Kent Wyatt Hall 117
Cleveland, MS 38733
p: 662-846-4020
f: 662-846-4684

Developmental Studies

在阅读和/或英语子测试中,ACT成绩为16分或以下的新生被DSU录取,必须在第一学期注册其不足学科领域的必修课程. English and Math courses are credit-bearing, 满足通识教育要求的入门课程,可能包括额外的一学分实验. The Reading course is a non credit-bearing course.

ACT的英语和/或阅读成绩在16分或以下,数学成绩在19分或以下被认为是有缺陷的. 被DSU录取的两个或两个以上ACT分考试成绩不足的学生还必须参加为期一年的学术支持课程, CED 098 in the fall and CED 099 in the spring. 这些课程包括目标设定的指导, time management, study skills, and reading comprehension. 额外的时间花在职业指导上,以及大学新生可能遇到的任何个人问题上. 该项目帮助学生过渡到大学水平的工作,并为他们提供必要的技能和工具,以实现他们的学术成就, career, and life goals.

Summer Developmental Program

What is the summer developmental program?
  • 8-week academic program
  • 在数学、阅读和写作方面提供教师指导和计算机辅助指导
  • academic support for learning strategies and study skills
  • academic coaching
  • personal and career coaching
Who is eligible for the program?

不符合常规DSU本科录取标准的学生有资格参加夏季发展计划,作为录取过程的替代途径. 成功完成课程的学生有资格在秋季学期在密西西比州高等教育学院的任何一所大学继续他们的大学教育.

When is the program?

June – July

How do I enroll in the program? When is the deadline?

有兴趣参加暑期发展计划的学生请联系 Jontil Coleman.

To hold the program at the DSU Campus, a minimum of 10 students must be registered by April 15, at 5pm.

参加密西西比暑期发展计划的密西西比高中毕业生的经济援助是有限的. 有关经济援助资格和申请流程的更多信息,请 click here.


What are study skills workshops?

工作坊提供实现学术、职业和生活目标所需的技能和工具. 研讨会由DSU团队成员主持,为学业成功提供动力和帮助.

Who and when?

Coming soon!

What will I learn?
  • stress management techniques
  • successful note-taking skills
  • time management strategies
  • study tips
  • learning strategies for better course work


Pivot Program

支点计划为当前DSU本科学生提供了机会,通过在2023年秋季学期每周在学生成功中心志愿服务6小时,有资格获得直接存入学生DSU账户的资金. Required weekly hours in the Student Success Center include:

  • 1 hour per week: Meet with Academic Counselor
  • 3 hours per week: Study in Academic Support Lab
  • 2 hours per week: Volunteer in Student Success Center
Student Name(Required)
Mailing Address(Required)
Are you a U.S. citizen?(Required)
(Reason applying - attach additional documentation if needed.)
(For example: Tuition, housing, food, books, etc.)

Jontil Coleman
Bailey 216; DSU Box 3204
Cleveland, MS 38733
P: 662.846.4899

Academic Support Lab
Second floor, Bailey Hall
8 a.m. – 8 p.m.
8 a.m. – 3 p.m.

sosbutton1S.O.S. (Stay Okra Strong) Early Alert 系统通过有组织的外展帮助识别和帮助有风险的学生.